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    The less said about Chinese maps and map-making the better History is also distorted in that the Chinese like to keep very quiet about the subjugation of Real Women Love Basketball Smart Women Love The Purdue Men’s Basketball Big Ten 2024 Shirt their country for about two hundred years by the Mongols in the 12th century CE; nor indeed about their coming under the Manchu Empire from the middle of the 17th century. So far as available history suggests, it is seen that it was the visits and the presence of Jesuit priests overland through Central Asia in the 15th century that led to a tentative start to map-making in China. But the standard of their map-making first came to public knowledge during the Simla Conference in 1914, when the Chinese Ambassador, Ivan Chen, was hard pressed to produce any map that could be used during the negotiations with his Tibetan counter-part, Lobsang Satra, and the British diplomat, Sir Henry Macmahon. This became more apparent during the India-China diplomatic exchanges in 1960–61 when the Indian side was able to produce maps of the border having a scale of 4 miles to an inch (thanks to work of the Survey of India since the mid 19th century) where the best that the Chinese could produce were some maps of a scale of one inch for sixteen miles.

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